Our smart little birds :)


8 Years
Mar 11, 2011
Western WA
Now that the weather is lousy here in WA I've started letting the chickens out to run free before it gets dark. I find it so interesting that the roosters don't run from me as they do if they escape their run or tractor. Somehow they know there's a difference when I let them out, and we all have a great time. It's just so cool! Somehow they know the difference. And later I went to pet them when they were in the coop and the roosters slouched down and tolerated being petted. I think we're developing a relationship

I just knew before I even clicked on your post that it would be speckled sussex!! SS are super smart for a chicken ! They are the best breed ever. My Emerald can and does fly the coop to get out but she cant get back in by herself so she comes and gets me to unlock the big door and let her in at night, but during the day when she doesn't want back in she will walk ahead of me so I cant catch her to make her go back in when she don't want too. I just love SS! She is a very clever girl!
I was so hoping our SS roosters would be hens! What they lack in egg laying they make up for in sheer entertainment:)

Sandy, do you have 41 SS hens?? Wow! I'm so jealous!
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No, I only have 6 SS hens one is 3 yrs old and the other 5 are about 7/8 months old. Im so jeolous of you!!!! I am so trying to find a nice roo to go with my girls!! I love all my hens and Roosters but I think as time goes along I'm going to have Just SS, Oh and I have some SF Roos that Im breeding with my silkies, the chicks are really sweet so far and really cool looking but as far as being a SS their just not. I haven't found a breed yet that even comes close to what they got going for them. I have Orpingtons, cochins, leghorn mixes and their mom (leghorn) cochin mixes, Cuckoo Marans, SF Roos, silkies, EEs, a RSL, a BSL, SLW. and a BA. And I do have one chick from my SS Uno, but she is half SF. She is really sweet but lacking in the brain department she just didn't get her moms personality. LOL

Well crap now I feel quilty like a bad chicken mom for saying all that, its a good thing they can't read huh!! LOL just joking!! No seriously though all of the breeds have plus's just seems like the SS are the only breed so far that has it all in the same package if that makes sense to ya. LOL Sandy
Sandy, I wish I could get one of our boys to you! They're so cool, but we only have 4 hens - although I'm softening my husband up to get more
LOL I so wish you could too! but I will keep looking, I was going to see about getting some hatching eggs from a breeder but if all else fails I will get some chicks from the hatchery, LOL thats where all the girls came from anyway and there all great!

Heres some pictures of my girls
Lucy, Emerald, Percy,Sweetpea, Hallie, and Uno the oldest girl.

Lucy :

Emerald: Shes the one that tells the other girls not to worry she'll get mom to let them back into the coop! Such a little smartie girl!




Then there is My girl Uno, shes the 3 yr. old, I had to help her and her sister Dottie (RIP) out of the shells, my bad first hatching attempt
anyway she was picked on and beat up all the time and I always protected her, and she became a Momma's girl. And still is to this day though shes really climbed the chicken ladder and nobody ever messes with her and she is never anything but nice to the other chickens too. She is so special to me!

She is NOT a good example of a SS her comb is all Jacked up, kinda Roosterish and she has bent toes, (also a hatching temp+humidity mishap) But her personality makes up for any flaws she might have in my eyes anyway.
But if I can find a good dark colored male with a super personality, and of course a correct comb I will be making me some more little Uno's. LOL Sandy

With you Husband!! Just tell him Sandy said you can never have too many SS! LOL Goodluck!!
Not sure that will work but its worth a shot.
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Sandy, your SS hens are SO COOL! I notice there's an auction on SS hatching eggs ending soon

b.hromada, absolutely!
Thanks I'm going to have to check that out! Those pictures were when they were 20 weeks old, just after their first molt, all except Uno.
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Those hens are so pretty. My four are mostly white, with some brown around the head and/or dark spots on the wings... Although I will have a blue-ish coloured EE chick coming monday, when my partner comes home with it. I'd say mine are pretty smart, they certinly seem to know when I do or don't have food for them, even before they see me.

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