Out in the wilderness Emu Farmer

John and I live on a 10 acre farm on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, nestled between two mountains where at the turn of the last century copper mining was flourishing with investors like J.D. Rockefeller. Within 10 years the boom was over and other than small country acreages and a few dairy farms started in the 1950's not much has changed. Down this quiet country road we raise meat chickens, turkeys, hair sheep and emu. Vancouver Island was home in the mid 90's to some 20 emu farms of significant size and all are gone now since that boom is over. We started our enterprise in 2010 when we imported some emu eggs from Oregon. We now have 35 emus. We are always on the lookout for experienced emu raisers to chat with and compare notes and are excited to join this forum.
I'm definitely not an emu farmer,and I think it might be hard to find some, and
Welcome to BYC. Have you visited the "Other BackYard Poultry" forum and clicked on 'Ostriches, emu, rheas'?
There are EMU threads on BYC, I used to follow them - don't have any emus but was fascinated with them. Several posters are from Australia, and really know about emus.

"Stella's Social Club," thread starter The Sheriff - has emus and frequently puts up photos and videos of them - in fact one of her gals has laid several eggs but, apparently her male wants to remain a bachelor.

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