Outdoor or garage incubators???


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
I'm off on my first incubator adventure with a freebie little giant 'bator and already want to get another batch going! I have some questions about a future incubator purchase and location of the incubator. Right now I am "borrowing" the bottom of the closet that is in the room that will belong to my 2 month old girl for the time being as indoor space is already limited and indoor space that is "toddler safe" is almost non existent. My wife is not very keen on this idea and said I need to do it in the garage or outside next time I incubate. Problem is I don't know of an incubator that will automatically function to regulate temperatures that will vary as much as they do outdoors.

It's approaching summer here in Texas so think 90's for temps and high humidity in the garage. Will one of the higher end hobbyist incubators such as a Brinsea be able to shut off/turn on and otherwise regulate in such an already warm environment? I'm open to suggestions without having to look at investing in a large commercial incubator; anyone else do this outdoors or have an incubator recommendation please?

Anyone have a suggestion or is indoors and exterior climate controlled the only way to do this?

Looking at maybe an RCom or Brinsea model unless others can be considered. Just not sure either one will do what I am wanting.

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