Outside brooder heat source?


Sep 3, 2020
I'm wanting to get chicks however, I will be raising them outside. Temps get down to -20 here so I'm not really sure what to use. Last year I used heat bulbs but after several days of use they shattered. So I don't want to use those again.
A lot of brooder plates are NOT designed to cope with very low temperatures. Some are only rated down to 40F.

I suggest waiting to raise chicks until the temperatures rise to a point where it's feasible to use either heat bulbs or a plate.

Alternately, plan on raising them inside a shed or some other outbuilding that can be heated up to about 40F by some other means. :)
-20F is quite cold for chicks. I agree, if possible, keep them somewhere a little warmer.

I've been pleased with this brooder/coop heater for chicks, it is radiant heat designed to be used as either brooder or "coop heater".
I've only brooded chicks with this when temps were around 20F, but they had deep bedding underneath and wind blocking.
Same with using a Mama Heating pad cave, only used those in the teens/20s so I couldn't say how well any of these would work in the negatives.

I have a heater in the run in case any of mine want it but they're all on the roosting bars together. That's how I know they're feathered out and ready for winter.They're ignoring the heater & they're 7 weeks old.

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