Over 3 years is calm and cannibalism strikes like lightning


5 Years
Jul 3, 2018
Europe, Estonia
I don't have the words what i feel and saw today. Unbelievable lost!
We have been raising chickens (and roosters, different breeds) for over 3 years. We have maran chickens hatched in the summer who have just started laying 2 months ago. All my maran chickens and roosters are in separate, it means 7 month olds are are in a separate room and and 6 months separately. Maran are new, but I have different breeds of chicken in my other pen, they are older. Changing feathers is not new to me, when its time, I generally switch basic food to a young pullets food. In order not to have any questions, there are 3 different foods in my country. In addition, they receive wheat and oatmeal. Also boiled fish, herbs and other greens in winter. We have very harsh winters and everything is picked up in the freezer. Our chickens can eat everything from garlic, onion to chilli.
It's already minus degrees ( Celsius) outside and we have chickens inside in winter. Winters are also warmer in Europe and one young maran starts to change the feathers.
Two days ago he had a bloody back, only a small place where the feathers had come. Today, this chicken is dead. The same day I brought the chicken into the house and put it on her back medicine. We took the chicken back last night. We put him on an anti-pecking spray. In addition to other chickens as well. This morning, the chicken's back was eaten more. And worst of all, she ate himself. My husband and I took the chicken again today to put medicine on my back, bones stood on his back. It was too late...She was alive and active, but her back was eaten 75%. It's winter when the birds are close together under small conditions. If you feel the same way, hang apples, pumpkins, vegetables on your birds. Even old cd-s and they are not boring.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
Have you tried putting a hen saddle on her?
Oatmeal isn't good for chickens, so I'd stop using it.
What percentage of protein is their feed?
I'm sorry you have to deal with this.
Have you tried putting a hen saddle on her?
Oatmeal isn't good for chickens, so I'd stop using it.
What percentage of protein is their feed?
We had not time to give her any protection. Everything happened in two days. Our chickens do not lose feathers like other chickens elsewhere in the world. Our chickens are not going "naked" I dont know why, North Europe, they are used to? There is bare skin only 2 cm (it´s 0,7 inches) Losing feathers is a long process, some of my chickens loose feather all summer, but they are not naked ever. I then give them young chicken food that is rich in protein. We have several basic feed for chicks, pullets and chickens who lay already. It's hard to tell you what our chicken food is, its EU standard, GMO free. My birds are eating 25% chicken feed, 70% wheat (includes 5% organic oats ) and 5% my own special- boiled buckwheat, rice, cottage cheese etc. I have also older flock (3 years old) diffrent breeds- never is anyone bloody. One rooster and 15 chickens. I have given raw minced meat to the older group 2-3 times a year, but not to young maranas jet.


Chickens do tend to be very aggressive as soon as they see blood, once a small wound is evident everyone will gang up quickly until the chicken is dead, especially if they are being kept close together. I'm sorry for the loss of your chicken. If anything similar happens again, I would keep the chicken separate until the wound has completely healed as I think some chickens don't respect the anti-pecking spray.
Chickens do tend to be very aggressive as soon as they see blood, once a small wound is evident everyone will gang up quickly until the chicken is dead, especially if they are being kept close together. I'm sorry for the loss of your chicken. If anything similar happens again, I would keep the chicken separate until the wound has completely healed as I think some chickens don't respect the anti-pecking spray.
I know that, but I didn't know the chicken was eating on its own back. This was a problem because we kept the chicken in a cage inside one day. Keeping her longer in the house wouldn't have been helpful if she pecked herself. In the middle of winter, two young chickens also start exchanging feathers. I see the first time that chickens do that in middle of winter. One chicken is a broody- also maran and 6-7 month old. Fortunately, we have one free box- so we acted quickly and put 2 chickens there. Both chickens were afraid and kept close to the wall, so that no one attacks from behind. I have experience where different breeds are together and there is no problem. This year i have 2 groups of marans in new coop. They are incredibly friendly to me, also roosters- I have 4 maran cockerels. They're like cats at my feet, they are not afraid of me at all. It makes me laugh because I can't even walk in the coop, they're around me. But they don't seem to be so friendly with each other. Sorry my english :)

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