over feeding


May 9, 2016
we received 12 chickens the eek of Easter 7 females & 5 males. They are eating about 30 lbs. per week plus scratch. Are they being over feed?
If there is not excessive waste on the ground, and they are actually eating it, I would not consider this overfeeding. I have a much larger mixed flock, so I can't really compare Actual amounts with yours. I go through about 75 pounds a week for 50 birds of varying ages, some turkeys, ducks, and chickens.
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A standard size hen at laying age will eat a quarter pound of feed per day on average. So twelve birds will consume three pound per day and twenty one pounds per week. Waste and rodents can up that. If possible put feed in rodent proof area at night.

Larger breeds eat more. Cold weather birds eat more. If they free range they eat less. Poor quality feed costs you more in terms of a lack of results. Always feed the best you can afford.
Deworming helps increase feed efficiency, too.

What breeds do you have?
Thanks, it just looks like they are growing to fast. when do you think they will start laying eggs?

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