PA ChickenStock!! Updated! Please L@@K!!

OK. I'd vote for June, but I'm flexible... If I start a new commuter job I'll have less flexibility, but just plan the event and I'll do my best to come!
I'm thinking that we can do a chickenstock this summer and then have a fall chickenstock at someone else's place that is more of a central location.

I need any PAers who would like to come to vote on a month!

May or June, I'm thinking July would be to hot and to close to the fall CS - what does everyone think?

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For the fall chicken stock how about in western pa at morraine state park. I know there are alot of members here from that area. It is big with lots of shelters, animals are permitted and there is even a barn/dance hall building we can rent. It is close to pittsburgh and ohio state lines. I live right outside the park and my neigbor is one of the rangers. Lots of things to do there with the hubbies and kids if they are not interested in chickens, such as fishing, trailriding ect. It is really beautiful there in sept/october.
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Hey! That's only an hour from me!

Seeing as I've decided to cancel my McMurray order tomorrow, I need chickens!

I have a half built coop and no chicks
I would totally be interested in something in April where I could pick up some babies!

Do you think there will be anyone there with standard or bantam Polish or other crested/odd looking breeds? We are looking for anywhere from 4 to a dozen interesting looking hens for minimal eggs but mostly as pets.

Course we want them sooner rather than later, so April would be best for us...
Lacy, My 2 cents worth, pick the date and stick with it, Your 1 1/2 hours from me, but if you'll let someone from Maryland come I would do my best to be there. I think no matter what date you pick someone will have conflicting plans. BUT by picking a date now, it may give those on the fence to pencil you in and try to schedule around your date too. I will watch for your decision. However if you do this on a Tuesday I am unavailable.
Good idea! Thank You!!! =]

I'm picking May 10th!!!!
It's a Saturday!!

I'm thinking 11 or 11:30 to give some time to get there and then we can have lunch!!

I need some help planning though!!

Drinks, Food, Utensils, Plates, Napkins, Cages, Etc!!

Any ideas?!

So, where would it be? Moraine State Park is an hour or so away, Wrightsville is 252 miles, so about 4 1/2 or 5 hours.

Moraine is a pretty place. We have picnics there every year.

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