

Jul 15, 2018
Hello! I’m hoping someone can help us......we’re new to peafowl. We had two peahens and one peacock. We had to pen them because the peahens kept wandering over to the neighbor’s house and scaring his chickens. Once penned, one of the peahens started pacing. For days she continuously paced the fence line. We noticed her weakening and called the gentleman who sold them to us. He gave us advice that we followed. However, the next evening my husband found her dead in the pen. We felt terrible that she died! That was a little over a year ago. The pair remaining are healthy, active and have been sticking close to home. They follow the chickens and sheep, forage for bugs and stuff in the pasture by the barn. Since we want the pair to produce a family, my husband penned them in a small aviary enclosure with nesting materials, grass, a tree, and a nice roost. Since then the peahen has started pacing. We are afraid it will lead to the same end as the last time they were penned. What can we do? Why does she do that? The peacock doesn’t. What are we doing wrong? Help!!
Thanks for your quick replies! We’ll keep a close eye on her without being obvious. At what point should we begin to worry?
Is there a reason they NEED to be confined? My pair have free ranged with the chickens and guineas their whole adult life. Last year they produced 4 pea chicks and the hen wasn't confined until the babies hatched. ;)

Also she may not want to be with the male all the time. Mine often go their own way and may be on opposite sides of the property. (I don't want to be with my hubby every minute and she might feel the same....) :smack
Haha! I laughed at your response, Red Horse. We have been allowing them free range, but just this week she has been acting kind of squirrely. She has even come up onto our deck a couple of times. We had read they could start laying any time now, and wanted to be able to protect the eggs from predators. Also, this may seem crazy, but the male seems to follow the chickens and display for them. We wanted him to feel the magic with the peahen. We thought putting them together would help...

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