Pack of coyotes circling the coop last night...

Another reason to hate big govt and people making decisions for others on what they can / need to do on their own property to protect their own belongings..we can shoot anything threatening our livestock..I can even follow a dog off my property and shoot him in the street if I have too.....another reason to love AZ! now off that rant...

Has anyone tried those night eyes? The solar machine that glows bright red eyes at is supposed to scare things is only like $20..worth a shot..since you can't really shoot...
welded wire or cattle panels as reinforcement? Have your husband "mark" his territory?

At least if you cook them, you could eat them instead of the coyotes getting them.
My guess is they may even like the taste of the stop chew make them work faster at chewing their way into the coop.

Get a silencer Shoot them!

Yikes. Don't try the spray!
I've heard that you can get a dog to urinate near your run it works. Never tried it though.

I go out at night with our dog for a walk and we both mark the territory. It sounds disgusting to some people I’m sure, but I bet it works.
yes, they will come out in the day. I saw one in my neighbors driveway up by her house. We also have seen them in some of the fields around us.
We see coyotes out in the day allllll the time. I have even seen them jog past my house in the morning, right down a busy street...I have gone to densely populated neighborhoods and seen them play in peoples' yards. I love watching the coyotes..they are hysterical..but if one comes near my coop..he's a dead dog.
Yikes. Don't try the spray!
I've heard that you can get a dog to urinate near your run it works. Never tried it though.

I go out at night with our dog for a walk and we both mark the territory. It sounds disgusting to some people I’m sure, but I bet it works.

They do take a night walk every night after dark. DH has seen coyotes on the edge of the property before. Our stupid dog tried to run to them one time and she would have gotten herself killed even though she is big.
Ha shaving cream!!

Hmm one more reason not to let my toddler play outside unattended...

I just don't know. We've had the chickens for a month and had been surprised that nothing had really tested the coop yet. We know there are tons of critters in the area. Coyotes I didn't really think would try to eat through a coop to get in at them...

A crossbow would be nice but neither DH nor I have EVER shot one...I'm a decent shot with a rifle thanks to growing up in a hunting family but I don't even know a person who has one... a cross bow that is.

What do you do with the bodies if you do tag them?
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I actually find them interesting too. They are so smart...This time though I'm not so thrilled about it.
Just make sure your shot counts. Last thing you need is a Coyotes running around with an arrow stuck in it’s side. You’ll have the bleeding heart news media around your house. Crying there is a cruel animal killer roaming the streets!


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