Packing Peanuts Feast??


8 Years
Dec 7, 2011
My girls were free-ranging yesterday and they lucked up on a few Styrofoam packing peanuts on the ground. They ate them like it was popcorn. I couldn't get to them in time before they had already ingested some. Ofcourse I cleaned up the remaining, but I was concerned about what they had already eaten. Does anyone see a problem that can be caused by them ingesting some or should it just smoothly go on through and out the other end with no problems? Thanks for the input!!
I would say it depends on the type of packing peanuts. Some are water soluble. Others are real Styrofoam like a cooler. Either way its probably not real good for them. Just keep an eye on them to make sure they don't get constipated. If they do you might try giving them some molasses.
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I've never understood the chicken fascination with Styrofoam, but they do love the stuff. It's not particularly good for them (literally nutritionless filler) but it won't poison them either. If they've already eaten some I would not worry about it, but I would pick up any that remain so they can't eat any more of it.
My chickens have eaten so much styrafoam over the years is's disgusting! No ill effects from anyone. They will hunt that stuff down, I'm telling you.
My flock once got a hold of a styrofoam cooler that had blown out of the burn barrel, and when I found them, they had eaten almost everything but the lid! Little brats. x) But mine were always fine. :)

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