paint roller trays as nest box liners?

TN Henny Penny

In the Brooder
9 Years
Jan 22, 2011
We're putting the finishing touches on our first coop ever (for our first flock!). We like the idea of 'rollout' nests and my husband thought of using heavy duty plastic paint roller trays (new ones) in the bottom of the nest boxes so that the eggs would roll to one end for retrieval. Anyone tried this? We were tossing ideas around such as plastic kitty litter trays, etc. also. Thanks for any tips! The hens shouldn't be laying for about 12 weeks still, but we want to get the boxes laid out before they move in to the coop.
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never thought of lining the nesting box... lift out, dump and hose down... easy peesy!
Great! Thanks.
I think it sounds like a great experiment! They're a good size for a nest box. I wonder, though, if the egg will roll over those ridges that turn the roller or if it will get stuck in the grooves? Maybe test that first before you commit to the idea.

I'm using plastic organizer bins from Wal-Mart's store brand section. They're also a good size and inexpensive if you decide you need more options.
Thanks for the feedback! We're waiting for our pullets to be old enough to lay....maybe at the end of June...we'll post how our experiment works out!
If you dont want to wait that long try a store bought egg. If you dont have any ask a neighbor they might have one!
You could always give it back after testing if all goes well lol It sounds like a good idea! Good Luck!!!!
- Now why didn't I think of that? I guess we don't have to wait for the girls to produce one for us!

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