Pair of Bantam Mottled d'Uccles ~UPDATED~

TK Poultry

10 Years
May 25, 2009
Greencastle, Indiana
I have a pair of Mottled d'Uccles for sale. I love them to death but I just want to focus on my Bantam Ameraucanas for a while to get established. I will probably get some of these awesome bantams again but for now I'll offer them for sale to you! They are about a year old. I've shown them once and they have been shown twice to my knowledge. 2 first and the Blue Mottled hen got BV. I don't have any chicks from them. I really don't want to ship them, I'm not quite comfortable with it.




Oreo (the rooster) is a bit bloody in the picture but he was in a fight with a Black Ameraucana rooster.

FYI (edited to add) They are in much better condition now they have molted and things now! they have abundant foot feathers

I have decided to ship. You will need to send me the box of your choosing and the winner of the auction paypal me ASAP. I'm getting with my local PO for a shipping quote so I will PM or Email you with that quote or post it on here! Happy bidding... I'm going to go out and get new pics soon (tomorrow most likely)

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Gorgeous roo, shame you cant ship them...I'd be all ove them
The hen appears to be blue mottled carring cream or lemon gene?? Pretty pair, someone will snatch them up I'm sure.
She's just a sun bleached blue mottled she is actually blue now. LOL I suppose I could ship but I'm really not sure the interworkings of shipping all that well
Shipping is very easy, they just need to be in the proper shipping box, you can buy them at or sometimes, the buyer can mail you a box they already have. With it being cold, I supply a 72 hour heat pack (also at Cutler Supply for $1.95). They just go out through your post office, call to see when the last truck comes in for pick up so the birds don't sit at the post office all day. Drop them off just before the truck comes in. They are mailed 2nd day delivery. Supply the birds with clean shavings and I also give them fresh cut fruit to keep hydrated. I also put a little hay in there to nest/scratch in.
Final tip: make sure the buyers name and phone #'s are marked on the box so they can be called as soon as the birds arrive.
I was very leary of shipping at first but it really opens up your sales area if you know how to ship. It's really no harder than mailing a parcel as long as you have a shipping box! Hope this helps!!
So the date stamped on the photo is not accurate? Is there a porcelain d'uccle behind them in that one photo? I'm over in IL, a few hours west from you. Have you reconsidered shipping? Do you know anyone who drives over this way?
I have had a few remarks about the time stamp it is wrong! I took most of these pictures this summer right after I bought them. There is a porcelain d'Uccle in the picture but she has a new home now. I'm considering shipping but I'm still on the fence on the issue

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