Pairs for the breeding season?


8 Years
Feb 19, 2011
Massachusetts, USA
I'm new to ducks and needs some info.

I have 2 females and 1 male. THe females are beginning to fuss about each other. Will I be able to keep all three together or will this be trouble?

They should be fine together. They are probably reasserting there place in their pecking order in the flock for spring.
I agree. My ducks have to negotiate their own treaties from time to time. Once its all worked out, they will be fine. Probobly one will always be the last to eat, but usually it's my males that get fussy.
I wish i had a video camera, this morning was so funny i look out the kitchen window and my old drake was chasing the young drake had him by the tail feather then my gander joins in and is chasing after my old drake and caught him by the tail feathers. so I had 2 drakes and a gander linked together for a second. And my girls are being testy with each other too , just part of the starting of mating season. Thank goodness they will settle down soon.

I wish i had a video camera, this morning was so funny i look out the kitchen window and my old drake was chasing the young drake had him by the tail feather then my gander joins in and is chasing after my old drake and caught him by the tail feathers. so I had 2 drakes and a gander linked together for a second. And my girls are being testy with each other too , just part of the starting of mating season. Thank goodness they will settle down soon.
Thank you everyone for your reassurance that all will be fine.

Miss Lydia--that's part of the joy of animals, those kodak moments. lol
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