Pale dry looking combs----picture added


I must be crazy!
13 Years
Oct 5, 2007
My Coop
My Coop
I have a couple of hens that have pale dry looking combs. I was worried that it might be fowl pox (dry) but scabs never appeared. I am feeding layer pellets with small amount of treats. They have oyster shell and grit.

Could it be caused by the rooster grabbing on to their combs? I have a banty roo and it is only his favorite banty hens that are having this problem.

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You would say that.
I will post it once I get back home in a few days.

My non-bearded Silkie's face gets like that, looks like dry skin. I have NEVER heard of it having to do with laying! I want to wake up my 'on strike' hens to check and see what they're combs look like!
Well I found the pictures on my camera card and so I uploaded one.


The spot on her eyelid is where the roo grabbed her.
OK now I am getting nervous. Since I posted the picture no it fowl pox and I just convinced myself that it is my roo being overly amorous?
Tazcat70. I was glad to see your post because I was just getting ready to ask a similar question.

I have a white leghorn roo who had the brightest red comb but now it looks like it's slowing turning pale. Has a whiteish dry look to it.

He's also molting real bad for the first time so I'm hoping it has something to do with that.
His wattles are still bright red.

Maybe we have the same problem so I hope someone gives you an answer soon.

Hope you don't mind me tagging onto your thread.


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