Pallet Coop Add-on...Almost Done (1-25-09)

OK heres the next installment...

I cut out some pop doors for the first two coops

The last pallet for the back wall in place...

Divider walls started

Just another angle of walls

I plan on siding the outside walls...using vinyl panels from lowes for the roof (on top of light weight pallets). The divider walls, i think, will just be covered in chicken wire. The front walls will have pallets on hinges to open for easy cleaning. Anyway, thats just some of the random thoughts going into Frankensteins Coop...

just a thought you could pack straw or hay in side the pallets then seal it in for insulation in the walls to keep them warm in the winter.

looks good
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needmorechickens! :

This is great, please continue to update us. I am really enjoying planning my breeding quarters!

I am glad you are enjoying the post. I plan to add a few smaller breeding pens, with small runs, to this as well. I will keep you updated on my progress.​
WOW..excellent idea...that why I love BYC...way smarter people than me on here. Thanks for the idea.

I just post them as my head hatches them
This is looking great. Gives me additional ideas to show DH. I scored a large pile of pallets from work and plan to use them this way.

Thanks for posting your progress.
Most pallets are constructed of oak. So this will be a heavy duty structure. Great Idea!

I live in Florida and during a hurricane we had a few years ago. Plywood was hard to find. I screwed sod pallets over the windows and they worked great.

I stop in Nashville, GA. for supplies on my way to our Hunting lease about 2 miles out of town. Beautiful area.

The insulating properties of straw or hay are good, but the straw will provide a haven for mites and other bugs.

You might consider using plastic grocery bags packed in the walls.

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