Panic. Hot chicken.


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 22, 2013
Just went out to check chickens. It is a very hot day. One got caught in wire. She is panting & listing sideways. Wants to move but floppy. I got her wet, hand trickled water to her, she drank, & put a fan in the coop. Anything else I can do? Very new chicken lover. Totally clueless.
Well, I also laid her on an ice pack. Just checked back on her. She is now standing on her own but still wobbly. I treated her like I have done for mammal animals.
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Just checked again. She is doing much better! Still panting but not as wobbly. Do you think she will make it?
Greetings from a fellow Kansan, mamau, and
! Happy you joined us! Hot day is right - the humidity out there is a crazy!! Looks like if we can just get through today, relief is on the way. I've had the same thing happen to members of my flock - I've cooled them off slowly and they've been okay. Sounds like you've done everything alright. Good luck to you!!
could you put out a water mister - some chickens like it - some don't - or have shallow pans of water - some birds like to stand in it. The need shade, shade and more shade, man made or natural.
Unfortunately she didn't make it. I'm glad I did what I could. I don't know how long she was stuck under that wire. We are going to get rid of that spot as soon as we can. The rest seem to be doing ok. I keep the water on w a leaky hose that they always have fresh cold water during the day & a pan in the coop at night. Thx for the reply.
Unfortunately she didn't make it. I'm glad I did what I could. I don't know how long she was stuck under that wire. We are going to get rid of that spot as soon as we can. The rest seem to be doing ok. I keep the water on w a leaky hose that they always have fresh cold water during the day & a pan in the coop at night. Thx for the reply.

Sorry you lost your chicken.
Goofy birds are free range w a coop @ night. I don't know what she was doing under that wire!!! She has wonderful lilac bushes to hide under.

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