Panicking! How to manage new chickens???

Thank you for all of the insight and information. The three survived the night and were out happily today. My husband and I spent the morning catching all of the chickens to keep inside the coop for some time now. I'm both quite relieved and also nervous about letting them out in a week. I suppose reading more about this situation will increase my optimism. I definitely plan to clip their wings when letting them out since I have seen now how far they can go. My yard/their space is quite big, but beyond the fences are other people's yards and a housing complex (i.e. too many places to get lost!). I'm delighted to have this medium through which I can get support and answers to my questions! Thank you again!
Great news, glad they made it through the night safe!!

I have totally been in your shoes, chickens can be a little intimidating if you haven't had a whole lot of background with them. My friends and relatives (who haven't had any interaction with chickens) are still a little shocked that they go to bed on their own into the coop every night.

Good luck and enjoy them!!
If you have any trouble tonight, note where they go to roost and wait until dark. They'll be easy to catch then.

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