panting duck despite pool and shade


In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2024
Our female was just panting, despite a large enclosure with shade (not forest level shade though) and a pool that was not too warm. The water in the kiddy pool felt like upper 70s and comes from the hose at 72F. They welcomed water replacement and meal worms in water, and for now look fine, but I am really concerned with the increasing summer temps. Today we had 93F, with heat index probably close to 100F (currently 87/93). At night it occasionally goes to the mid 60s but there are already nights in the 70s that even I struggle with. There is no way to establish an AC indoor situation for the ducks. There is wind / air movement, but when it is hot that doesn't do much good, in fact, it can make it worse. What on earth can I do? Poor thing is molting, so her immune system is down some.
I am a first-time summer caretaker, these guys are not mine and the enclosure is borrowed. But I want them healthy and safe. Where they usually live there is more woods and a real pond, with its own dangers. I feel so bad.
What breeds or breed? Sounds like you’re doing the best you can, you could try adding ice to their pool water if you can and their drinking water too
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Frozen peas in their water. Ice cubes, frozen fruits and veges. Watermelon is good. A sprinkler maybe if you are able to get one to where they are. I used the mist setting on my hose last year. I read someplace that putting out a water tub with frozen water bottles help keep the water cool, although I haven't tried it yet. You may find them standing in it if it's shallow. Shade and breeze are always good. Hope it helps.

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