Papa's Poultry Marans?


Previously AstroDuck
Aug 28, 2020
I know Papa's Poultry comes highly recommended on here for their Orpingtons (I have already placed an Orpington order for spring), but has anyone ordered Marans from them? I am thinking about going back to order more Orpingtons, but I also would like to add some quality Marans this year as well.
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I didn't get Full Marans from them but I did get their olive egger Maran/Legbar mix and I am IN LOVE with these two! I also got a CCL.
I hatched so thats why I only have a few.
But I may actually order again after I hatch my Amerucanas this spring.
If their CCL & OE are this beautiful I bet the Marans are too.

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