paralyzed or swollen hocks limiting movement?


Mar 25, 2019
We were given a 12 week old pullet that at first seemed just emaciated and weak. She barely ate the first few days but now she eats well, especially liking cooked egg yolks and dried meal worms in addition to the chick starter feed. Her head and neck move fine, but she doesn't stand or walk. I have seen her move her legs, but usually they just hang there. Her hocks seem swollen, my question is are they swollen due to her sitting on them (albeit on soft towels or now in a U shaped neck pillow) or were the swollen hocks the problem to begin with? One foot has the toes pointing straight now, while the other foot still have toes that are slightly curled. The one with the curled toes also seems to have a more swollen hock and the foot itself seems swollen. (I can try to get pics)
I am even wondering if she could have gotten injured by getting caught in the woven bottom of part of the pen they were kept in before I was given her as she was just sitting there when found (but not caught in anything when found).
However, I think it is more likely overcrowding leading to a vitamin deficiency. I got some vitamins for poultry from the feed store and am also putting human B complex vitamin in her water. Also putting a quarter of a baby aspirin in her water but I doubt she is getting enough aspirin to take effect. Also turmeric and cayenne pepper, and sometimes molasses or apple cider vinegar.
Only other symptom, if it is a symptom, is that I can see her breathing in the skin of her face. One of our older hens had this but she was healthy so I don't know if this breathing in the face is anything of great concern.
I hope someone can help me, as she almost, almost seems paralyzed (but I have seen her move her legs a few times). Her wings work, her poops are pretty normal, although she had diarrhea the first day and then they seemed kind of white and poofy.
Appetite good, poor little thing, I think she might be gaining a little weight but still the sharp keel bone. Swollen hocks and inability to stand, anyone have any advice? She is alert and sometimes she squiggles and tries to move. If her hock joint swelling decreases, will she recover? Thanks
pictures of her might be helpful for sure. Can she feel anything in her legs? does she try to stand at all or move other than just wiggling?
The one with slightly curled toes seems tender. I am not sure about the one with straight toes, but I did see her move that leg. But most of the time she doesn't seem to try. At first I thought it was weakness.

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