Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

When I found the hair of the bigfoot in the snow prints, I remember thinking I ruined it by touching the hair, but then I though, do I really want bigfoot hunters hunting this bigfoot, when I had been being nice to it by leaving it goose eggs, and having communications with it? I didn't need the attention either, so I decided to just keep it as a memory.
DNA is stored inside the hair, so it's not ruined.
This is a. Cool thread. ! I have had some weird sightings happen over the years. I have been looking into causes and I just recently found out how well people can use technology to project images . Like the video of the Dragon flying at a ball game. I have seen stuff in the woods be for and wondered if someone was projecting it from a plane above or even a small drone. Also I have seen videos of people being interviewed on there opinions of the firs of California . Some were saying they could see a plane about burning the woods with a laser . They even had it on camera. I could be talking craziness so don't quote me on it.
This is a. Cool thread. ! I have had some weird sightings happen over the years. I have been looking into causes and I just recently found out how well people can use technology to project images . Like the video of the Dragon flying at a ball game. I have seen stuff in the woods be for and wondered if someone was projecting it from a plane above or even a small drone. Also I have seen videos of people being interviewed on there opinions of the firs of California . Some were saying they could see a plane about burning the woods with a laser . They even had it on camera. I could be talking craziness so don't quote me on it.
You said not to quote, but just asking you a question.
So you're thinking holographic projections?

That's modified laser technology, & is still in development.

Glad you're enjoying this.
You said not to quote, but just asking you a question.
So you're thinking holographic projections?

That's modified laser technology, & is still in development.

Glad you're enjoying this.
Oh ya I didn't mean it like that :). Yes holographic projections. I didn't know they were still in development.interesting, I wonder if they have started doing testing it yet. It would be a stretch if that's what a saw. I have heard they will sometimes spray metals in the sky to make the images more clear.

Thanks I mostly like reading people posts. I like hearing about peoples experiences.
Oh ya I didn't mean it like that :). Yes holographic projections. I didn't know they were still in development.interesting, I wonder if they have started doing testing it yet. It would be a stretch if that's what a saw. I have heard they will sometimes spray metals in the sky to make the images more clear.

Thanks I mostly like reading people posts. I like hearing about peoples experiences.
I never heard of anything like that. Where did you hear about this? I'm curious.:)

Here is a pic of my daughter, she is in the foreground holding the plate...

In the back ground you see a girl that also looks like her,

The girl in the background blown up...

here is one more pic of my daughter in that same angle...below


one more look at this pic and it looks like the guy in the background is seeing double.
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