Parasites!! Help me!

I hate lice! I’ve never seen such large egg clusters. What I hate the most is when they run up your arms when you’re trying to dust the chicken. Permethrin, or if you can get it, carbaryl (next to impossible to find, not approved for use in Canada anymore, I don’t know about the USA...) kills the little buggers like nobody’s business! And you’ll have to repeat the treatment (to kill the newly hatched ones) in I think it is a week?
I looked it up and we can get carbaryl -- it's labeled as Seven Dust (or spray) here. We used it on dogs years ago. Still use it some on plants (but not very often because I don't want to kill the pollinators).
I looked it up and we can get carbaryl -- it's labeled as Seven Dust (or spray) here. We used it on dogs years ago. Still use it some on plants (but not very often because I don't want to kill the pollinators).

I had to treat in winter, so it was dust or nothing. I put it into a little baby powder bottle for better maneuverability. I do them on a sheet of cardboard and powder bums and under the wings, sometimes necks and spots along the body. I fluff feathers with my fingers and wash hands when I’m done. The lice literally fall off dead and dying as you apply. My thought is if the bug is on the chicken or in the coop it’s probably not a good one, and I will accept a little collateral insect damage to kill them. I’m working with some rescues, right now so parasites galore. I love it (carbaryl), but it’s now prohibited here...
Got started this morning. Cleaned everything out, sprayed, let everything air out, then put it all back together. Sprayed my one hen, but didn't do anyone else. It was COLD here in NC today!! But did a rump check and saw some on other girls :( Got my work cut out for me tomorrow when it warms up!

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