This is a great thread. :frow
Way too much hype and and lack on actual scientific proof that anything other than properly providing balanced nutrition and fresh water helps Birds.
I've not used AVC, DE, yogurt or any other thing so readily pushed on birds. Then their is the niacin and B complex being pushed too.
I'm a firm believer that if fed properly from the start Birds don't suffer all the ailments in the first place..:hmm
Thanks to all for your input and responses. Cannot respond to everyone individually at this moment, but I will try to do so at my earliest!
FWIW, an older chicken keeper I know adds a bit of bleach to his chicken water during hot times to prevent growth of stuff in the water ... it works and his chickens lay fine. But, he also cleans out their waterers too, just adds a bit of chlorine to keep it from being a problem when hot and sunny.

ACV, we’ve used for quail waterers to see if it would keep them cleaner. We cleaned and washed out the bottles well, but were getting a film in the water tray (think parrot style waterer) quickly, despite washing them. The small add of ACV did seem to help a little bit but not enough to keep it up. Besides the quail drank their water better and more of it when it was just plain water.

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