pasty butt question? i think?

Chicks do not need to be kept warm 24/7, but rather have a place they can get warm when they need to. Pasty butt can be caused by being too hot in the brooder and not being able to get away from a heat lamp. Your brooder setup doesn't appear to give them room to get away from the heat lamp and for a red-bulb it looks a little close especially if the brooder is inside and not out in a cold barn. I would try replacing the red bulb with white and moving it off to the side so the chicks have an area in the brooder to get away from the heat. Also I'm assuming we're taking about chickens here unless I missed something, but 30% protein is a little high.
I was asking about guineas cause I thought I was under a Guinea tab. but from my understanding they are Similar. sept the diet being slightly higher protein

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