"Pasty butt" question


7 Years
Sep 13, 2012
How much poop on a week-old chick's butt is enough to worry about? I have 10 chicks that arrived on wedensday morning; 5 silver Sebrights, and 5 Silver Duckwing Phoenix. 6 of the 10 have lil poop balls on their butts, now. I've tried the warm water and trying to dissolve the poop, but no help. Most of the chicks' butts still have a lil concrete ball of poop, on them. They are all active, eaing and drinking, and show no signs of distress. I have had chicks with poop on them like this, and they survived, but this is my 1st attempt at raising Bantams, and all of the "Bantam fragility" things that I've read have me worried.

I've already lost one Phoenix, I believe he/she broke her lil neck from the way she was lying. I must admit to just being a little intimidated with trying to raise these lil things to a reasonable chance at life. I'm almost freaked at trying to hold te lil things to wash their butts, as they're just so tiny. I'm afraid that I'll squish them, ot something. If this helps with maturity stage, the lil 'Brights are starting to have lil laced wings, today. Beautiful lil wings.

This is the worst of the lil butts. I hope this isn't considered in poor taste, but I don't know what else to do.

This pic will show that they're normal, active little chicks. I hope that I don't have anything to really worry about, and am asking ya'all for advice. HELP! hehe
I would probably give the little ones a bath if it gets any worse. It doesn't look like it is to dangerous levels but it is more than I would like to see.

My technique is to use a bath in warm water (use a little tupperware type container) and fill it to butt level with nice, hot water. Try and get it close to or slightly warmer than the brooder. Then let them soak for a few minutes. If the chunks are still intact when you pull the little one out use a q-tip to gently break them up and then let the chick soak for a few minutes again. The solid chunks should start falling off at this point. Remove the chick again, q-tip to remove any more chunks you can, pat dry with a washcloth or papertowel and then apply a dab of olive oil under their little vent. It helps the rest of the poop keep sliding off rather than balling up again.
I like to take a bowl of very warm water, get a paper towel really wet, and just hold it to the chick's little butt for a few minutes to let the water soak in. Normally it starts to sort of fall apart and you can see it get looser. I'll repeat that until it all falls apart. I keep checking them everyday to make sure there's no build up.
Thank you, all. It is getting a bit worse on a couple of them. I'm going to get to work on them.
I dipped a q-tip in hot water and held it on her butt for awhile until it slowly gets loose, then I slowly pulled the poo off with tweezers. I stopped when it started to hurt her but eventually got it all off! ACV in their water helps and also yogurt. I also used vaseline so the poop doesn't stick once she poops again. My baby chick's booty was so bad that she had pulled all of her butt hairs/feathers off
Now she's 100% better! Good luck!
I'm having trouble getting it off. It just gets so hard, it's like concrete. They still have me worried. I've actually considered getting a nosehair trimmer and trimming the fuzz off chicks' butts, in the future. A couple of them seemed to be straining to poop. I assume this is because they were blocked off? Strange subject, but a viable one, to us "chicken raisers", I guess.
I would probably give the little ones a bath if it gets any worse. It doesn't look like it is to dangerous levels but it is more than I would like to see.

My technique is to use a bath in warm water (use a little tupperware type container) and fill it to butt level with nice, hot water. Try and get it close to or slightly warmer than the brooder. Then let them soak for a few minutes. If the chunks are still intact when you pull the little one out use a q-tip to gently break them up and then let the chick soak for a few minutes again. The solid chunks should start falling off at this point. Remove the chick again, q-tip to remove any more chunks you can, pat dry with a washcloth or papertowel and then apply a dab of olive oil under their little vent. It helps the rest of the poop keep sliding off rather than balling up again.
This is the best way to do it. I also use a bit of baby wash/shampoo if it's really hard and crusty. There shouldn't be any problem getting it off if it's done this way. I would not suggest trying to trim it. Have you ever used a nose hair trimmer on yourself and had it pull your hairs? It hurts.
you are having way too many "pasty butts". What are you feeding? Are the babies getting stressed? The butts must be kept clean. If they are straining that is NOT good. It can kill them. Trimming the fluff is not a bad idea. Just be very careful. Good luck.
BTW`the baby oil someone else mentioned is a great idea as well.

you need to add ACV with the MOTHER into their water. 1 tsp. per quart. this will balance their systems and should stop the pasty butt. You can get it at the grocery store Bragg's being the best but Heinz is ok too and a little cheaper.
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The straining could be a sign that they are compacted and that's dangerous. I turn the sink on, leave the warm water running and hold just their backside under it. It sounds complicated but its not. The running water helps wash it away and it softens up. I think that using sugar water in this last bunch was a big factor in why we had so many. We did end up losing one that had it the worst, I thought we got it in time and it might not have been the pasty butt but I think it was. I did add olive oil after cleaning them and stopped the sugar water and they've been much better.
The stress from shipping will cause pasty. I worked in a feed store and took care of the chicks. You must get the poo off or the ones that are really bad could die. I would hold a warm paper towel on the bum to soften the take the paper towel and gently crush the hard peices with your fingers. It will take a bit to get it all off. Then make sure you dry really well and keep them warm. Chilling can cause pasty too so you want to keep them warm. AVC and chick electrolytes will help with the pasty. They will not do this forever. In about 10 days you wont have to worry about it anymore. Try taking care of 300 or more chicks at a time and keeping butts poo free plus doing your other jobs. LOL But you know what I loved it!

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