pasty butt?


6 Years
Mar 26, 2013
Bean-Station, Tennessee
My chick started this the other night. I keep having to clean her off everytime she goes to the bathroom. Her "feathers" look caked up. And oh my gosh the smell is about to kill me. It's too much amonia.
Well when my chick had pasty butt I soaked it in warm water while cleaning the area, thoroughly dried using a paper towel, and the. Put a bit of olive oil around her vent. If she is not on any probiotics you might try something to firm up her poops.
Well when my chick had pasty butt I soaked it in warm water while cleaning the area, thoroughly dried using a paper towel, and the. Put a bit of olive oil around her vent. If she is not on any probiotics you might try something to firm up her poops.
What could I use to firm it up? I soaked her last night and the smell stayed
If you put about a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in 1 gallon of their water it helps immensely to clear it up. It has to be apple cider vinegar " with the mother" in it. I use Braggs and I get it at the grocery store in the health food section. Hope it clears up fast for you!
Also, see if she'll eat a little yogurt (buy the plain kind so there are no sugars in it). Just make sure the yogurt has live cultures in it...some don't. My chicks didn't like yogurt. They'd get it on their beaks and immediately turn into drama queens trying to get it off. But the ACV worked wonders.

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