Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~

"Lovely Helen, that's the fun in hunting with me. We find prey, take a vote to kill it or not. Then we catch, or keep hunting!"
“Ooohhhhhh” she sighed. She liked having plans. It helped keep things organized. But then she also would arrange the leftover bones of her meals in straight lines as well, so that probably would explain why.
Lupin stopped abruptly as he saw a huge buck. He nodded his head to the others and said very quietly. "Raise your paw if we should get this guy." He raised his paw.
Lupin stopped abruptly as he saw a huge buck. He nodded his head to the others and said very quietly. "Raise your paw if we should get this guy." He raised his paw.
Helen raised her paw also. That buck would be a great meal.
"have you ever thought of what lives in the ocean? It's amazing how fish can breath underwater. I've seen them do it, and to tell the truth, it looks fun." She looked over at Priscilla. "You probably think I'm crazy."
Priscilla looked out at the ocean. Just then, a smaller fish jumped. "Not really," she replied, "I've also never thought about it before." She paused. "And no, I don't think you're crazy. I think you are respectable. Some wolves don't dare to dream."
Priscilla looked out at the ocean. Just then, a smaller fish jumped. "Not really," she replied, "I've also never thought about it before." She paused. "And no, I don't think you're crazy. I think you are respectable. Some wolves don't dare to dream."
"Without dreaming there would be no future. How do you think fawns grow so fast? Because they dream about being just like their parents."
"I think about things like that when I am alone up here. It clears my head and gives me peace." She breathed a deep lungful of cold, salty ocean air.
"Maybe I should try that sometime," Priscilla said. She twisted her paws through the sand, forming small holes.

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