Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~

Amerock left the pup and jumped the large gap. He rolled as he landed to keep the stress off his other paws. He headed into the woods and looked for meat. He smelled a wolf and crept towards. He saw an unfamilier wolf and frowned. This wolf looked tough. He snuck away and looked for something to eat.
Cody walked slowly through the forest with his head and tail down. He caught whiff of another wolf, so he immediately threw his head up and looked around. Nobody. He sniffed the air, which confirmed someone was at least around nearby, though possibly no more.
Raven and Storm sat down.
"So what do you need to talk about, Storm?"

" I want to tell you a secret - if you can keep it. "

" I can, I promise. What's the secret?"

Just then, they heard a scuffling sound in the bushes.
They huddled down, paws over their heads, to hide, hoping the intruder wouldn't see or scent them.
Adolpha stretched and yawned as the sun rose over the sand dunes. What a good dream. She stood up and looked around her. Vortex was still sleeping. The lazy bum. She thought fondly. She exited the cave and looked around. Everybody was still asleep. She turned around and loped out of camp. She sniffed around her and smelled... Eagle? The pup? She didn't remember him eating supper with them last night. She put her nose to the ground and followed the scent. She wound up the mountian and stopped when she saw a large gap. "Eagle? Can you hear me?"

Amerock startled as he heard a voice. "shhh. Don't make a sound." He growled to the pup as he woke up.
Adolpha stretched and yawned as the sun rose over the sand dunes. What a good dream. She stood up and looked around her. Vortex was still sleeping. The lazy bum. She thought fondly. She exited the cave and looked around. Everybody was still asleep. She turned around and loped out of camp. She sniffed around her and smelled... Eagle? The pup? She didn't remember him eating supper with them last night. She put her nose to the ground and followed the scent. She wound up the mountian and stopped when she saw a large gap. "Eagle? Can you hear me?"

Amerock startled as he heard a voice. "shhh. Don't make a sound." He growled to the pup as he woke up.
Cody cautiously sniffed the air. He kept himself low and looked around. Food, he thought. He moved almost silently through the undergrowth. Just then, a horseshoe hare leaped out and ran away from him. Both his tail and ears perked up. A smile washed over his face, and excitement filled his body. "Head start this time?" he laughed. "I'll give it to you. 1... 2... Now!" He bounded at the tan creature, quickly picking up speed with each leap. The horseshoe hare ran side to side. Cody ran straight. He fixed his eyes on it as he drew close. One more sway, he smiled, getting ready to launch on his prey. The hare suddenly disappeared into a hole. Cody skitted past, nearly sliding into a tree. "No, you don't!" he went to the hole and dug ferociously. The hare disappeared deeper until it was deep enough to be too far to dig too. Cody kept digging. He paused to shove his head into the hole. He snapped his empty jaws shut with hopes he could reach his escaped meal.
Amerock snuck out of his cave through the hidden passage. He rolled a heavy rock over the entrance so the pup couldn't follow him. He limped down the narrow passage till he exited and breathed a deep breath in. He saw that wolf from yesterday digging in a hole and suppressed a snicker. "Ehem," He cleared his throat. "Hello, Do you wanna hunt together? I saw a doe go to her home yesterday. I'll split the meat with you."
Amerock snuck out of his cave through the hidden passage. He rolled a heavy rock over the entrance so the pup couldn't follow him. He limped down the narrow passage till he exited and breathed a deep breath in. He saw that wolf from yesterday digging in a hole and suppressed a snicker. "Ehem," He cleared his throat. "Hello, Do you wanna hunt together? I saw a doe go to her home yesterday. I'll split the meat with you."
Cody backed out of the hole and shook the dirt off of his face. "A doe is too big for Loners," he said. "Besides, at this time of year, she'll have young." He eyed Amerock before continuing. "It would be better to take her young than go take the mother and leave the fawn motherless."

(I gtg. Sorry.)

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