Paws & Claws ~A Wolf RP~

Marco cleaned his gun until the wolf started to wake up.

Adolpha groaned. Ow, what's going on? She shook her head and started to stand up. She yelped in pain when her left hind leg touched the ground. She gave up on that effort and looked around her. Little tree trunks surronded her and a gray thing covered the tree trunks. "What?" She looked around until she saw the bird with its stick. "Vortex? Where are you?"
*vortex couldn't see her yet as the creatures he came across were at the edge of their camp, blocking his view.*

*since he wasn't able to dig his way out by the entrance, he headed for the back to see if there was a smaller exit there that he could use.*
*vortex couldn't see her yet as the creatures he came across were at the edge of their camp, blocking his view.*

*since he wasn't able to dig his way out by the entrance, he headed for the back to see if there was a smaller exit there that he could use.*
Adolpha lapped some water from the bowl. She looked around and did a double take. "Vortex!?!" She looked at the bird and growled. "Vortex, don't try to hurt the bird. He has a stick that can hurt you." She nodded to her leg. "It did this to me with its stick."
Adolpha lapped some water from the bowl. She looked around and did a double take. "Vortex!?!" She looked at the bird and growled. "Vortex, don't try to hurt the bird. He has a stick that can hurt you." She nodded to her leg. "It did this to me with its stick."
*vortex heard her talking. Though he kept his eyes on the two legged being in front of him, waiting to see what it does, and for it to move away, wanting to find a safer way to get closer to her.*
Raven and Storm were crouched low in the bushes, hoping the wolf nearby wouldn't see or scent them. He looked like a loner - he was skinny, and his fur was a little scruffy.
They waited......
And waited........
And waited....
And waited....
And finally he was gone.
"Phew! I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever leave!" The two wolves said in unison.
"So what's your secret, Storm?"
Storm paused a moment.
"Uhh........... I sort of...*blushes* met someone."

Raven smiled. First loves as a pup are magical, she thought. I'm happy she's got one. She'll learn a lot from it.
Who is it?"
Storm blushed again.
"Ummm.......well......he's a......wild dog from the edge of the forest. That's where I snuck to the other evening. I shared my meal with him."

"I'm happy for you, Storm."

Storm grinned. "Wanna meet him? I told him I'd meet him on the beach this evening."

"Sure. But we'd better hunt first or the pack will wonder how we managed to spend so much time out but not bring back any prey."

"Ok, let's go!"
And the two wolves trotted off, deep into the forest.
*esper stretched as she headed for the beach, looking to try and find some crabs to munch on for a morning snack.*
"Alright then. I'll take the fawn if you'll chase the doe away." He started limping towards the place he saw the doe go.
Amerock heard a bang. What? What was that? He looked around but didn't hear another bang.
Cody frowned and followed. He mumbled something under his breath. Uncertainty and distrust lay in his dark blue eyes. "Any-" Cody instantly dropped to the ground when he heard the bang. "Get down!" He snapped. "Death is near!"

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