payback but sad.


10 Years
Dec 26, 2009
Rock Hill SC
I bought a flock of mature hens in January because I was excited about having a flock of chickens for eggs production. I purchased a flock of adult white rocks and ordered several chicks online that were delivered in March and April. I raised them till they were big enough to be introduced into the coop with the adult hens. At first the adult hens bullied the chicks and one of them happened to be a rooster. Fast fowarding several months we have an adult rooster and 11 mature hens. The rooster is now bullying the older hens but is being much meaner and attacking them with his spurs. I feel bad for the older hens but figure payback is a b****. I don't want tp punish the roo and the older hens are about ready to expire, I just don't know how to make the mature hens last days comfortable and peaceful since I don't have the room to make another coop or seperate them. I guess I'll just let nature take its course or should I take the hens out of their misery? I know it sound harsh but I feel so bad for them!!!
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I agree with halo , you need a nicer roo,

he will most likely always cause you problems, i have lots of roosters here and not one acts like this and if they did well they make great dog food.


Great pics!!!

Do you lock all those birds up at night, or do they stay free ranging at night too?

I love those pics!!!!!
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we had one rooster we jokingly names "stew pot" cause he was so mean and nasty... well he ran at my daughter the other day and I came home and my husband said we no longer have stew pot. I thought... what in all things good and holy has he done to my pot now.. thinking engine oil, anti-freeze?.. what... then he clarified... He culled Stew
I bought what I thought were white rocks but ended up with the type of chicken that grows to maturity really fast, (Cochins)??? maybe? They grow to full size in something like 8 weeks, the 2 of 6 I have left are very large and look very old and rough, I think I was fooled into buying a flock the seller knew wasn't white rocks and just wanted to get rid of them before he took a loss. Anyway, I'm just trying to make their last day comfortable...
I agree, that roo would be gone, regardless of the age or condition of the hens. I wouldn't allow him to mistreat my family or my hens.
How old is "mature" and "adult to you? Why do you say the older hens are "about to expire"?
How is the rooster "bullying" the older hens? Is he just a young rooster and still very awkward? Just getting the hang of breeding? Is he just trying to jump on to of them using his feet?
If he is truly a bad rooster, get rid of him. But he's less than a year old, not even matured yet, that needs to be considered..
How much space do your chickens have? You have no room to add on, is your pen at least 120 sq, feet? Do they get to free range any?

There are so many variables about raising chickens, but those are the first things I thought of.
Perhaps Cornish or Cornish crosses? Meat birds. Time or past time to process them. Bummer if he sold you the wrong thing, but a bonus for your freezer.

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