PCOS..anybody else got it?


[IMG]emojione/assets/png/2665.png?v=2.2.7[/IMG] Si
11 Years
Mar 23, 2008
Waco, Texas
I was reading another thread just a second a go and started wondering.. does anyone else on here have PCOS? I found out when I was 20 that I have it. I had suffered from it since I was about 13, but never really knew about it.
Yes, I have it. I'm on Glucophage, too, or I take the generic Metformin. I have insulin resistance, too. I didn't get diagnosed until my late 20s.
Me too. Use fortamet the extended release version of metformin since I cant tolerate the regular stuff. I also use byetta. I have extreme insulin resistance. PCOS bites
Well I use metformin, I just said Glucophage because people have looked askance at me when I have said metformin in the past. And as a matter of fact it depends on the manufacturer as to which metformin I can tolerate. Right now I have to get mine from Walmart as they are the only carrier around that uses the manufacturer I need.

I tried some of the extended release metformin, it didn't do as well for me. I also tried Actos and gained a lot of weight (wth!) so said no to that.

Believe me I'm glad to have the metformin, those days of no treatment sucked!
How long were you on metformin before you started seeing results? I was on it a couple of months and didnt see any difference. So I went back to using Yasmin. Which is the best BC for people with PCOS.
I could tell a huge difference within a month. (Waaay tmi here, look away people who don't care...) My periods became regular, I ovulated normally, my skin cleared up, I lost weight, my hair started growing back (well slowly not all in a month). Maybe you needed to try different manufacturers or use the name brand.
They had me start off with 1 pill at night for two weeks and then 1 pill at night and 1 in the morning for two weeks. Then 2 at night and 1 in the morning. That went on unil I was taking two in the morning and two at night. The whole time I didnt see any difference at all. How do I know which manufacturer is comes from? The only thing with going to name brand only is I have to pay the difference, my insurance wont pay it. The generic cost $10 and then..say the name brand one would cost $125. I would have to pay a total of $115 just for a one months supply. Theres no way I could afford that each month.
Yes it seems that it works for people with PCOS. When I was taking it, I would get a call every two weeks from Scott and White telling me I needed to come to these classes for diabetics. I tried to explain to them Im not diabetic, but it never seem to get through to them. I still get the calls, but now its just once a month.

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