Pea chicks or yearlings?


Brown Barns Farm
11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
near Albany, New York
Finally found someone selling some Peas near me. Any recomendations as to what is a better purchase -

1. 2 month-old chicks for $50

2. pair of yearlings (1 male & 1 female) for $100

They are all India Blues.

Go for the yearlings ,,, same price and are better able to make it to the next year.. already sexed for sure ? .. george
The chicks are $50 for 2, the yearlings are $100 for a pair. The guy has raised them since the early 90'4. What should I look for to tell gender on the yearlings?
yearlings you will have no problem telling sex in the ib i would def go for the yearling pair.peachicks are alot harder to raise then baby chicks need to be on wire for first 3 months.then you could end up having 2 males or 2 females.also they dont breed till the 2nd year so if you get chicks you are still 2 years away from breeding.good luck an post alot of pics
I got a pair of yearlings! They are beautiful! A picture of inside the crate for the way home.


I'll try to get more pictures tomorrow. I was told to feed them gamebird feed. The man told me that they are IB's. There is a bit of green in with the blue. Could they be crosses or should IB's have green?
I love them already. They do seem to be a bit nervous. We walk by slowly and talk quietly to them. They came from a farm where they were free-ranged all day and night, in all 4 seasons. The man said they just roosted in the trees in the winter. Well, can't have that at my house, sorry, they will have to be in their enclosure to keep them safe. We have major predator problems here.
Do they lay fertile eggs at 2 or is it 3 years old? When will his train grow in?

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