Pea comb or rose comb?


Humidity Queen
5 Years
Oct 11, 2014
Gouverneur, NY
I've been trying for 9 weeks now to figure out wether my first chicken is a hen or roo. (This is soooo frustrating.) I've read a million things and everything is starting to look the same to me. Feather shape, foot size, feather size. I've got research burn out. One of the things I keep coming across is types of combs, so I look up the difference. Half the combs that look like my chick say pea comb, but others say rose comb so I'm bringing it here in hopes that someone will tell me if "Peep" has a pea comb or rose comb or something altogether different.....PLEASE.

Now, if anyone wants to just tell me if I have a hen or roo, that would be awesome, especially now that I have the 12 little ones I am trying to figure out as

It doesn't help me that he/she is 9 weeks tomorrow and still not fully feathered out.

All of mine are barnyard mixes. This one came from a light brown egg. I'm assuming she/he is an EE with his big ole muffs and beard. In the beggining I swore it was a hen, in the last week I've settled on roo. Any help would be gratefully appreciated and I would
Being a mix, it's looking like a mixed comb to me. My first thought is it has a decent amount of salmon Faverolles, perhaps? I can't see if there are 5 toes or not. Comb looks nice and fleshy colored for now. I'm getting a small amount of roo-vibe from the overall color, but feel fairly confident overall it's a pullet. Sorry not to be more helpful
. Maybe post again in a few more weeks?
Being a mix, it's looking like a mixed comb to me. My first thought is it has a decent amount of salmon Faverolles, perhaps? I can't see if there are 5 toes or not. Comb looks nice and fleshy colored for now. I'm getting a small amount of roo-vibe from the overall color, but feel fairly confident overall it's a pullet. Sorry not to be more helpful
. Maybe post again in a few more weeks?
Typical four toes, lightly feathered. I don't think they have any faverolles in their flock, I'll have to ask to be sure (eggs came from my sister). I get a roo vibe, then I get a pullet vibe, then I go back to I did not know that a chicken could have a mixed comb. I've even started wondering if I have a hermaphrodite Thanks for the input, I'll take any I can get.
Huh. guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I've mixed some straight and pea combs and gotten some weird results...

Nope, both hens. Top bird is an EE/Brown Leghorn mix, and she's the momma of the barred bird on bottom. I had a nice mixed flock with barred Rock, EE and Leghorn blood so had pretty barred hens that laid tons of green eggs
Now trying to move on to other projects but my health is challenging
Nope, both hens. Top bird is an EE/Brown Leghorn mix, and she's the momma of the barred bird on bottom. I had a nice mixed flock with barred Rock, EE and Leghorn blood so had pretty barred hens that laid tons of green eggs
Now trying to move on to other projects but my health is challenging
See, I suck at this!!! lol I was going by the hackel???'s on the neck.... being more long and I'm just going to leave the guesses with te experts. I don't think I'll ever get the sexing thing down and what to look for unless they have HUGE combs and waddles and are crowing their little heads off!!! lol

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