Pea Eggs Scheduled to Hatch?

I got a baby IB. The other 2 haven't piped yet. I got a baby to spoil.
I'm optimistic the other 2 will make it to as they all look identical when I candled and put in lock down all were dancing in their shells. This peas name will be Duce for number 2. Trey will be the next one to hatch for number three. The last will be called Pokey for taking so long. Little guy looks good and healthy.
Well yesterday Pecky was born and got her head stuck in fan. I had to open incubator to get Pecky out. Then had open to fix that worthless junky fan. Early in AM I noticed a small pip on Midnight BS egg stayed the same all day. Finally I couldn't take it any longer. Opened the end. Was right shrink wrapped. I covered with warm wet wash rags for about an hour. Opened the other IB it was to late pea was gone. Went back and started pulling egg off and membrane back. Got the head out and concerned about a bit of blood so left for another hour. Seemed little pea was so glad to have his head free worked so hard to finish getting out of the egg. Just couldn't get loose of the shrink wrap. I finally went back and removed all but the pointed end where the yolk stays. It was so stuck to the little pea, whiped and whiped . Then removed all the wet rags and decided the rest was up to pea which if he survives will be Pokey. He just got loose from the remainder of his egg. Pokey hasn't stood up completely but sure has made trips around the incubator and has a good set of lungs. He's been thru a lot to get out, I want him to make it so bad. Pecky needs a friend and my heart needs him to make it.
Sorry that you lost one of the little guys.
Good work saving Pokey!
The cute guy probably just needs a bit of time to recover from his/her rough first day in the world.
Well he's still pretty weak, but if it wasn't for Randy's instruction from last time I wouldn't of even tried to jump in and save him. Yea he has some pretty fine colors. I got to stop and see his set up on my little trip. He's built quite an operation.

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