Pea Eggs Scheduled to Hatch?

Heres a fresh pic of all my chicks hatched in the last 4 days,,,think there is now 16 in here and 4 pipped in the bator that will be joining this "fun and games" bunch once they're out and dried off,,,can we say 'Pea Crazy"?
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Anyone else expecting babies this coming week. I am awaiting 3 to hatch on August 6-7 put in the incubator late at night. I bought a very high powered flash light and really have enjoyed watching them move around alot. I am so hopefull this will be a good hatch.
Anyone else expecting babies this coming week. I am awaiting 3 to hatch on August 6-7 put in the incubator late at night. I bought a very high powered flash light and really have enjoyed watching them move around alot. I am so hopefull this will be a good hatch.
I hope you do this time around, I know it's been rough for you in hatching eggs this year. My hen is on her 2nd clutch and they are due soon (forgot to write the beginning date down...oops) I'm not so sure they are going to hatch...she hasn't been as attentive to these...she's off the nest 5+ times a day sunbathing, eating, stirring up trouble with the chickens. I'll find out in a week or two.
Yes these are the eggs from you FBC. I just candled them and put them in lock down. The little buggers are dancing in their shells. I'm optimistic I am going to have 3 babies. No power outage this time, I rolled those making sure each night the oppisite side was down. Really watched the humidity giving them a bit more than last batch. They have had my best TLC. I have their names picked out so they best come out and play, or I'm going to be really heart broken. It's going to be a long 3 days.

We had over 100 degree weather one day reaching 106 please tell me how do eggs survive that under the hens. Doesn't make since in incubator they croak.

Maybe it is so warm she can take more time off.

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