pea pics, sex? plus... i didn't know...


15 Years
Apr 14, 2007
Portland TN
That peafowl grow so big so fast!!! Everyday it looks like they add another inch or more to their overall size. I promise today I'm gonna get some pics of them. I'm dying to know their sex. I'm on dial up so it takes FOREVER to upload. They are almost 4 months old and they are amazing!!! I can't get over how fast they are growing they are as big as my standard chickens, if not bigger!

Can someone tell me why it is they always coo? They do this constantly. I'm assuming its to keep tabs on each other. I also love the way they puff out their neck feathers when they run. I didn't know that keeping peas would be so rewarding!!!!!!! I'm so thankful to Raven1 for selling me the eggs. This has truely been a dream of mine to own peas for very long time. I will get some pics up today so maybe deerman can sex them for me. I'm still trying to get a shot of the 3 together.


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Yes, they do coo to stay together. You have 2 very nice looking peahens.
They may lay as yearling(rare) but for sure as 2yr olds.

Yes they do grow fast from 1 month to 6 months.

Welcome to the peafowl world!!!!!!!!!
Well i guess I will have to change the spelling of the ladies names to...Laurie and Curlie. Thanks for the help. I was hoping for at least 1 male.
Here are a couple more pics but I don't know who they are..... could be a pic of the same one. Thanks again for the input.


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