Peaches is smashing Mildred's eggs!


Nov 17, 2018
Portland, OR
I have two hens who were supposedly "spent," but one has laid 4 eggs in the last 5 days. It was my plan to just let her enjoy them -- they might even still be fertile, as it's only been 3 weeks since they were with a rooster, and I've read that inside of 4 weeks it's still possible -- but this morning one was mysteriously smashed, and just now I caught the dominant hen smashing another one. (She didn't lay them -- the more passive hen did).

Mildred (the laying mama) was very upset watching this, to say the least! But when I whisked away the 2 still-intact eggs, she followed me in a state of total grief, moaning forlornly. I don't know what to do! I just want her to be happy. But seeing Peaches destroy her eggs is upsetting, and having me remove them is upsetting. Please advise! I am very emotionally bonded to these girls already and want to do the right thing.
It is like a chicken soap! Is Mildred broody? If so you could give her the eggs and maybe a few other (more likely fertile ones) and separate her with them. It would probably make her very happy to be a mama!!! :hugs:hugs:hugs
I don't really have a way of keeping them separate... I just have one little henhouse and only these two hens. I wish Mildred could have babies! Of course we are going into the cold part of the year, so maybe that's crazy. I have only had chickens for 3 weeks... so I'm not sure if Mildred is broody or just laying. She lays them and seems to care what happens to them, but doesn't sit on them for long periods of time. (A friend told me she might just be waiting til there are enough for a proper family?) I am not sure what course to take to best protect Mildred's emotional state. Argh! ☹️
3 weeks isn't long, much stress in moving to a new place,
really surprised they are laying at all.
Did you get the birds together.... and from where?
Are the eggs that were broken rather thin shelled?
What all and how exactly are you feeding them?

Oh, and, Welcome to BYC...sorry you are having troubles.
Where in this world are you located?
Climate is almost always a factor.
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