Peacock as Guard Animal

I have 4 hens, a rooster on the way and a Silkie hen on the way too. As well as a rabbit that occasionally runs around with them when I am there to supervise. I plan on raising 1-2 batches of chicks each year (with broody hens- might invest in a muscovy hen too.) to sell and raise for meat or layers. So likely, constantly changing numbers with the possibility of guinea fowl. My coop is 6' by 8'.
Ok. You have a fair sized run. Some people completely enclose their run and have wire either dug down so far in the ground...or they have a skirt of wire so predators can't dig in. I'm not certain what your setup involves... but it's hard to guess what would be more expensive.

I see you've started a thread on electric wire...the people there are more experienced with electric wire for poultry...and can give you better suggestions. :clap
Ok. You have a fair sized run. Some people completely enclose their run and have wire either dug down so far in the ground...or they have a skirt of wire so predators can't dig in. I'm not certain what your setup involves... but it's hard to guess what would be more expensive.

I see you've started a thread on electric wire...the people there are more experienced with electric wire for poultry...and can give you better suggestions. :clap
My run part is actually about 500 square feet, my coop is 6' by 8'. My run consists of 4.5 foot tall fence (chicken wire, that is all I have available to me, unfortunately), double layered, with 1'' chicken wire 1' tall at the bottom (to act as a chick barrier.) with an 8-10'' apron staked down... I always stake it down until the grass has grown over it acting as a natural stake.

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