Peacock attacking chickens


Jul 24, 2016
Hi, I'm new to asking questions but I follow the site. I have a pair of peafowl. The have free ranged with my chickens and rooster for a year no problem. Now the male is aggressively chasing and attacking my rooster as well as the hens. I Separated and locked up the peafowl several times but he continues to do it. I love them but I can't have him killing my chickens is there anything besides killing or getting rid of them that I can do? . Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could pen him during the breeding season, or you could try getting a couple more hens for him. Sounds like he has some testosterone issues and a few more hens could be what he needs.
Hi, I'm new to asking questions but I follow the site. I have a pair of peafowl. The have free ranged with my chickens and rooster for a year no problem. Now the male is aggressively chasing and attacking my rooster as well as the hens. I Separated and locked up the peafowl several times but he continues to do it. I love them but I can't have him killing my chickens is there anything besides killing or getting rid of them that I can do? . Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could pen your peafowl up during breeding season. Another you could try is get more peahens for him to see if that will help. It seems like he's wanting some love. If the peahen has chicks she will ignore the male and can make them feel unloved sometimes.
It depends on the male. My IB breeder male has 5 hens and still will chase and harass anything smaller than a peafowl including the neighbors chickens if they come over. During the breeding season they are pumped full of testosterone and more aggressive than usual. You might have to keep him penned, from what I've seen once they start chasing things they don't really ever stop. It might come and go depending on the day or what the hens are doing but it doesn't cease if the male is already aggressive.
Do you think he would kill them or just chase and harass them? Mine chases the rooster and jumped him but I was able to get him off. I then saw him harassing the hens.
Do you think he would kill them or just chase and harass them? Mine chases the rooster and jumped him but I was able to get him off. I then saw him harassing the hens.

Usually, they stress the chicken to the point where they give up and usually try to hide. If the pea can still get to him, he will keep pounding him. If its a green pea rooster, forget it, they are mean.

Gerald Barker

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