Mar 2, 2018 #1 Kessel23 Hi Bug 6 Years Feb 6, 2018 2,563 72,470 1,262 Wisconsin Which bird is louder? A peacock or a rooster?
Mar 2, 2018 #2 SunHwaKwon Crowing 9 Years Jul 19, 2015 5,617 2,732 457 North Central Florida Rooster (and hen) noise varies by individual. I don't know about peacocks.
Mar 2, 2018 #3 T Rex Chirping Jun 5, 2016 16 35 59 Vincennes, IN Peacock is louder. Beautiful bird but their voice carries.
Mar 9, 2018 #4 Amz87 Chirping Mar 9, 2018 86 65 86 Sydney Australia Our neighbors have a peacock but he roosts at night in our trees, he is very noisy but only noisy in summer when it’s mating season. The crow is very loud, I’d say roosters are a lot more noisey but the crow of a peacock is louder.
Our neighbors have a peacock but he roosts at night in our trees, he is very noisy but only noisy in summer when it’s mating season. The crow is very loud, I’d say roosters are a lot more noisey but the crow of a peacock is louder.