Peacocks and roosters with hens

My 2 roosters and 1 peacock live together with all their own hens. Plus 7 guineas. All live together in the same henhouse. I've had a few conflicts between male guineas and the peacock in spring breeding season but the rest of the year they all get along together. The peafowl pay very little attention to the chickens but they do rule the roost! ;)
Since you will be raising them together I wanted to mention my experience with that. I received my peacock as a baby and he was raised with little chickens. I think he didn't realize that he was different from them. Even tho I now have a peahen and their daughter, he still often hangs around with a chicken hen that he was raised with. Before I got the peahen he tried to breed the chicken hen a few times. She is still his 'girlfriend' even tho they are both over 3 years old. Otherwise there isn't much socializing between the chickens and peafowl. :hmm
My peahen only lays 5 or 6 eggs in May and then she goes broody on them. That's one reason the eggs and the pea chicks are so expensive.. They just don't produce a lot. :hmm

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