
i live on four acres of land with only 2 cats and a flock of 9 ducks, i am getting 3 peafowl, i assume that they might wander into my neighbors yard, but they love animals too so they will probably be pleased to see them, so i am not worried, i also live near woods so there are a lot of trees in my yard for them to perch, as well as blueberry fields and raspberry patches they can eat off of, which is not a problem since the wild turkeys jump up to eat them anyways, i hope that is enough information and thank you for the help
It is good that the neighbors like animals, as long as they are fine with peacock calls in the breeding season. I keep mine at my Grandma's and her neighbors loved it when I used to free-range my first pair of peafowl. They said that one day they had people visiting them and when the visitors drove up my peacock was in their yard displaying to the peahen. They said it was so beautiful and awesome for the guests to see. You also have to watch out about them jumping on vehicles. I don't think mine ever did that since they normally ranged behind the houses, but I know Zaz's peafowl jump up on vehicles and use them as a perch. They can leave scratch marks.
Yep they like high places , that is why i have trained mine to stay on my side of the driveway cause the other side is where my daughter lives and even though she loves them to come visit she understands that they may come visit when she is gone and that means they could and most likely would jump up on that 70,000 dollar one ton or the Raptor , they have all kinds of big boy toys also so going over there is not an option for them but sometimes they still try.

They been fussing for 3 days because my son-in-law has been hauling dirt to their new home site and they are using the peas dump truck. peas are very unhappy, once they stopped for the day i caught them trying to get over there to the dump truck , but they spotted that big ol dozer and were determined to go check it out, they have their own dozer here but that new one looked like much more fun. LOL

This is what happened when the workers parked where i told them not to, they did not care, they parked their for 3 days, truck had scratches all over the hood

This is our farm truck, they like it up there sometimes, it is a poop Mobil
most of the time
I planned on ordering some peachicks this coming June. I have about 15 acres devoted to my pygmy goats (2), few ducks, geese, and chickens. I have always wanted peacocks and I thought well why not build them a pen and put them in it. I understand with all these animals they have different food needs and carry different diseases. I was hoping I could maybe get by with them all nesting together.
What part of Louisiana  are you from? 
 I do not ship but mabe you are close enough for pickup.

If not there is another member here from Louisiana that may be closer to you, she goes by Kuntrygirl and is located in [COLOR=333333]Opelousas, Louisiana.[/COLOR]
I live in Baton Rouge.

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