Peafowl genetics


Mar 31, 2019
So I’m new to peafowl and have a basic grasp on genetics so far. I get that there are colors and patterns and that both can exist in a single bird. My real question is can 2 colors exist in the same bird? I have a bronze WE cock, bronze WE BS hen, IB WE hen, and a new purple hen. My purple is in quarantine now so she isn’t breeding just yet. In the future if my bronze were to breed my purple and I got chicks to hatch would they be split to both purple and bronze? Also, if that were possible and I bred a split purple and bronze cock to a split purple and bronze hen what would the theoretical outcome be, could they be both colors in one? Any books or articles to read to better help understand peafowl genetics? I’m very eager to learn.
To show two color ... NO !
Half Bronze and Half purple ... NO !
To show a color you need 2 genes of this color !
Yet some specialists have mixed two colors ... indigo peacock!
A fusion of colors.


But that doesn't happen with everyone!
So then if I bred my male bronze WE to my female purple, because purple is sex linked, all my females would come out IB split bronze, but what would the males be? If bronze breeds true then the males should also be split to bronze. So would they be split to purple as well?
Yes, you can have two colors present in one birds, that's how breeders are creating new colors now.

But in your case you will need the male to be purple not the hen so you could get purple split bronze hens.

The bronze purple mix is already done i think its the Hazel color.
Bronze peacock x purple hen= 50% males india blue split bronze and purple, 50% blue hens split bronze. If you took one of these males chicks later and breed it to bronze hen i think you have a few chance to get some hazel hens.
So then is the hazel gene sex linked or do they breed true? I read another post about the hazel/indigo and others said they breed true but their explanations were confusing me. So if I had a hazel/indigo hen and bred it back to the IB split purple/bronze cock would I get more hazel/indigos?
Hazel and indigo are not sex linked, the only way to get more of them is to breed to split birds, breed to other birds of the same color, or breed to birds of the other color. Indigo+Hazel= 50% indigo 50% hazel.
If you breed hazel x hazel they should breed true, not sure if we could call them sex linked color as you could only use a hazel male as a sex linked male when you breed it with bronze hen only, as i understand hazel male x bronze hen= all bronze males split purple(hazel), all hens should be hazel. I could be wrong though.
So are hazel and indigo the same? I’ve seen them used interchangeably and am not sure. My understanding was hazel is the product of a split bronze/purple to another bronze or purple, is this correct?

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