Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

Here's another abnormal picture:

Small, yellowish and mucousy from a depressed, 13.1kg three year old turkey. Hen was treated with 800mg metronidazole and 7ml fenbendazole (Safeguard) once a day for five days. One day of treatment and she was back to her old self.

This is what I call a "cat food poop", it's from a pea that got into the cat food
(Friskies Grillers, I think).


i de-worm one of my peacock (19 months old as usual i gave 1 ml albendazole for DE-worming), after that peacock do the same poop like 31/41, 39/41 and 8/41(ref :peafowl Poop thread u posted ) . the peacock did not take feed properly and also the symptoms of stress as well. i gave some electrolyte and vitamins to overcome the stress but it was not effective . i need your help in this regard looking forward for u reply


Welcome to BYC!

Sorry the hear your peacock is sick. The pictures you referenced are from birds that I suspect had blackhead and E.coli. The ones from 8/41 and 39/41 recovered after being treated with metronidazole and Baytril, but the one from 31/41 was dead three hours after that picture was taken. His necropsy confimed blackhead and a probable E. coli infection.

You peacock needs medication ASAP. Can you take him to a vet?

after deworm .I consult with VET he said that is probably from toxin of worms and he advised to gave some electrolytes to overcome the weakness and jetipar to flashout the toxin but It did not work for me . I want to post some recent pics of peacock poops . Needs ur help in this regard.
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I m from Pakistan . Here it's very hard to find the birds specializes vet . I I read about E.coli and I think my peacock has the urinery E.coli some lil poop I noticed in 8 months. For the blackheads I started to gave the flygel(400mg ) in one litter water
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