Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

None of those are "normal". Do the birds that produced them ever have normal looking ones?


The first and second images are my new birds poo, so I don't know how they looked before, I thought the first poo came from stress? Its been a week for them here. The white poo the vet said it could be salmonella, so he gave me some powder(I think they were antibiotics, sorry can't remember i was so tired) to put in their water for 5 days.

The hen with black poo i think she had similar poo in the past.
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The hen with white poo died yesterday, she started to limp 2 days ago and passed yesterday
, now the with brown poo started to limp today, and he looks sick, i'm afraid he will die two, any thoughts please?
So sorry... If she were mine i would bring inide, get her warm, tube lots of warmed fluids, treat for coccidiosis with Corid or Baycox, worm for capillary worms with Safeguard for five days, treat for blackhead with metronidazole and E.coli with Baytril. You should talk to your vet and ask if that is a good plan.

So sorry... If she were mine i would bring inide, get her warm, tube lots of warmed fluids, treat for coccidiosis with Corid or Baycox, worm for capillary worms with Safeguard for five days, treat for blackhead with metronidazole and E.coli with Baytril. You should talk to your vet and ask if that is a good plan.

Thank you, the one left is a full grown male, its a bit hard to bring him inside and our weather is warm these days, the vet will come today, i'm not at the farm today, i will start treating him tomorrow when i go to the farm, thank you.
The hen with white poo died yesterday, she started to limp 2 days ago and passed yesterday
, now the with brown poo started to limp today, and he looks sick, i'm afraid he will die two, any thoughts please?

I am so sorry to hear you lost one of the new ones.
I am assuming you isolate the new ones when you get them, do you do any preventative medications during this period? Whenever someone buys a bird I will often send a small baggie of corid along and ask them to add it to drinking water for a few weeks, also try to do a dose of safeguard orally right in front of them before we cage the bird so they have seen how to do it first hand, and tell them how to follow up, I also suggest they put them back on medicated chick crumbles for a few weeks. I also do all of this for the birds I bring in, because I know we have a lot of cocci in our soil. I wish I had better suggestions for you, but this is all I can think of. I would do as Kathy suggested, if you can, tube feeding and fluids are critical.
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I am so sorry to hear you lost one of the new ones.
I am assuming you isolate the new ones when you get them, do you do any preventative medications during this period? Whenever someone buys a bird I will often send a small baggie of corid along and ask them to add it to drinking water for a few weeks, also try to do a dose of safeguard orally right in front of them before we cage the bird so they have seen how to do it first hand, and tell them how to follow up, I also suggest they put them back on medicated chick crumbles for a few weeks. I also doo all of this for the birds I bring in, because I know we have a lot of cocci in our soil. I wish I had better suggestions for you, but this is all I can think of. I would do as Kathy suggested, if you can, tube feeding and fluids are critical.

Thank you, i usually isolate the new birds, but these i didn't because i don't have any empty pen, i wormed them directly after bringing them here, i'm treating them for coccidia now, as the vet suggested, its the third day now since i started treating them, i feel the male has started to act better he is more active now, i'm surprised that this hen died because she was so active the pervious day!
Not to throw more sadness here, but i thought of sharing her photos from last week, she was a spalding bronze black shoulder pied peahen, the most beautiful peahen i have ever seen.

I am so sorry to hear you lost one of the new ones.
I am assuming you isolate the new ones when you get them, do you do any preventative medications during this period? Whenever someone buys a bird I will often send a small baggie of corid along and ask them to add it to drinking water for a few weeks, also try to do a dose of safeguard orally right in front of them before we cage the bird so they have seen how to do it first hand, and tell them how to follow up, I also suggest they put them back on medicated chick crumbles for a few weeks. I also do all of this for the birds I bring in, because I know we have a lot of cocci in our soil. I wish I had better suggestions for you, but this is all I can think of. I would do as Kathy suggested, if you can, tube feeding and fluids are critica
sorry wrong member i quoted
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The hen with white poo died yesterday, she started to limp 2 days ago and passed yesterday
, now the with brown poo started to limp today, and he looks sick, i'm afraid he will die two, any thoughts please?
Have these peas received any kind of vaccine in the last 2 weeks . How long have you had them ?
Sorry for your loss

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