Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures


Ok here is what I have so far. I will get baby bird food tomorrow
BTW, all that looks perfect! Tubing the fluids you will want to start with something in the 45-60ml range, wait 60-90 minutes and repeat, but only repeat if the majority of the fluid has cleared her crop. Fluids only for 24 hours, no force feeding food. Probably okay to give the vitamins, too.

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Thank you so much Kathy, she did great with the tubbing, even though I was scared and shaking I did it. She is just sitting in her crate looking at me. I was able to get 60ml in her before I felt it really well. Added the corn syrup to give her a boost.
Thank you so much Kathy, she did great with the tubbing, even though I was scared and shaking I did it. She is just sitting in her crate looking at me. I was able to get 60ml in her before I felt it really well. Added the corn syrup to give her a boost.
You're welcome! Was it easier than you thought it would be?

Yes it was, I feel tons better about her now. Going to feed her again in about 45 min if her crop feels like it is down.
It doesn't have to go all the way down, part way is okay. The important thing is to repeat fluids in that 60-90 minute window. The book that says it doesn't say why, but since I started doing it I'm seeing much better results when trying to get them hydrated.


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