Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

Ok went in to tube her and she is standing and there is an egg under her. I checked her and didn't feel one do you think she was just egg bound, and that would cause her to fall over. But she still needs medicine for the bad poop. Should I tube feed her again do you think?
Ok went in to tube her and she is standing and there is an egg under her. I checked her and didn't feel one do you think she was just egg bound, and that would cause her to fall over. But she still needs medicine for the bad poop. Should I tube feed her again do you think?
To quote my vet, "dehydration is one of the leading cause of egg binding". Some people here have reported a strange temporary paralysis in peahens when they're laying, so that could be part of the problem, though that wouldn't explain her weigh loss. I'd keep her in until she starts eating on her own. Curiously, was the egg a normal color?

Just an update she is doing really well this morning eating bread and peanuts and a little grain. I did not tube her this morning because of this I am keeping her in the pen for a few more days to be sure. I think I would have woke up this morning to a dead bird if I had not had Kathy's help to tube feed her. I will continue to give her the safegaurd and corrid water.
Here is a picture from a 3 year old peahen that had a severe case of capillary worms and coccidiosis.

Hen was treated with both Corid and Safeguard orally for five days.


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