Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

Hey I am brand new to this!!!.... My peacock.... Suddenly started acting very subdued and listless yesterday, not interested in food either.... The biggest concern is suddenly seeing watery, slimy bloody diahrea!!!.... Help!.... Can anyone help diagnose this quickly or offer advise!?!.... Also I have poop pictures....but do not know how to post them!... Lastly I did see a very similar abnormal poop on the poop pictures already posted here. Thank you for any and all help!!!
Hey I am brand new to this!!!.... My peacock.... Suddenly started acting very subdued and listless yesterday, not interested in food either.... The biggest concern is suddenly seeing watery, slimy bloody diahrea!!!.... Help!.... Can anyone help diagnose this quickly or offer advise!?!.... Also I have poop pictures....but do not know how to post them!... Lastly I did see a very similar abnormal poop on the poop pictures already posted here. Thank you for any and all help!!!
@dreamzofpeas , welcome to BYC! How old is he? Has he ever been dewormed with Safeguard or Valbazen? The first things I think of are:

  • Worms
  • Coccidiosis
  • Blackhead (histomoniasis)
  • Necrotic Enteritis

Could be other things, but those are the ones I rule out first.

Thank you so much for replying!!!... Sorry to not be around at all... Scrambling with people health issues and 2 sick birds all in less than a week... Still scrambling!!!..... Anyway, took stool sample to vet and she diagnosed cocccidia and we are to treat the whole flock for that.... She didn't find worms... They had been wormed in June.... Today I found external parasites... Tiny tiny beige bugs on the sick peacocks face.... Not positive what they are and what to do about them.... Went with a dusting of de and then much later, light dusting of sevin on the base of the neck and under the wings....Thoughts???....tx!!!....
Thank you so much for replying!!!... Sorry to not be around at all... Scrambling with people health issues and 2 sick birds all in less than a week... Still scrambling!!!..... Anyway, took stool sample to vet and she diagnosed cocccidia and we are to treat the whole flock for that.... She didn't find worms... They had been wormed in June.... Today I found external parasites... Tiny tiny beige bugs on the sick peacocks face.... Not positive what they are and what to do about them.... Went with a dusting of de and then much later, light dusting of sevin on the base of the neck and under the wings....Thoughts???....tx!!!....
Glad you were able to see the vet and have a treatment plan. When mine have lice I dust them with poultry dust or Sevin, so I think you got it covered.

That's good!!!.... I am glad to hear that!
Sorry to say overall the peacock is not improving, in fact, he seems to be declining. Still has awful diahrea, barely eating or not eating at all, not sure about drinking, so we have been feeding by syringe. I am very concerned there may be something else wrong!!!....Today was a roller coaster!!!!!!!... The am. feeding went fairly well.... Then he shocked me by suddenly eating a few bites on his own!!!. ( 1 st time since fri or sat) But then, at lunch time feeding, suddenly he really could not stand or walk, very wobbly and would just lay suddenly and not be able to get back up. He couldn't hold his own head up to be fed!!!...we thought ... He is a goner!'!!!.... We made him comfortable. Each time we checked him,He had never moved an inch, never ate or drank. When we went to feed at supper time, he rallied some, seemed more alert, could hold his head up, but not stand. Then he stunned us again, by eating and drinking on his own!!!..... He drank a lot of beef bullion and picked at some food (treats) if we helped him with the food, he could eat and was happy to do so. Eventually he stood and shakily walked a few steps and then stood still for awhile before laying down, he did this twice. We set him up in a " hospital corner", and he looked comfortable. We are praying and hoping for better tomorrow!... Does this sound like the typical recovery from coccidia and the parasites???... Does it sound like something else is going on here???... Any thoughts and help greatly appreciated!!!.... Thanks!!!...
I've been through this with two different peas and a couple other people here have seen the same thing. Have you thought about tube feeding?

I think when she said she was feeding by syringe she meant that she was tube feeding? When a bird is that sick the only thing that will pull them through is by tube feeding. Medications can be added to the feed to insure that the bird is getting them as well as much needed vitamins and other nutrients. For a full grown Peafowl you should be feeding at least 60ml/cc at least twice per day. Kathy can say exactly how much, I think she feeds quite a bit more.
How much I tube really depends on the individual. A fairly perky adult can usually take 90-120 ml pretty easily, but one that's really sick might be more likely to vomit, so they would get less. Add that they can't hold their head up and it's even less.

Earlier this year I had one exactly like the one described above. Don't remember her exact weight, but I think she was in the 2500 to 3000 gram range. At one point she was so bad it was as if she was paralyzed, so I made her a bed in a box with towels arranged in such a way that they propped her head and neck up a little so that the tube fluids and food would stay in her crop. I also placed her on her left side to keep pressure off her crop. A bird her size would normally be tubed 60 ml 2-3 times a day, but she could only tolerate 20-30ml, so that's what I did, and I would do it several times a days if her crop cleared.


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