Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures


I shot the pics in the morning just now, he showed some signs of illness, but I am unable to express the symptoms in English, anyone have idea how to deal with it?
SweePea is feeling down and we haven't figured out with what yet. The lab reports are due back on Monday 10-19-15. Fecal exam shows no worms, cocci, or blackhead. I will update when we know what caused this, for now notice how the poo is tar black and a yellow in the urine.

Oh no poor SweePea!

I'm sure you haven't changed what you feed her, but could she have eaten something unusual/bad out in the world?
We have done the gambit of tests, no worms, cocci, or blackhead. Brad Legg said he thinks it is just a cold going around because of the change in weather. At first I was blaming the chickens because she had been hanging out in the chicken pen when I let her out of her pen. Diet hasn't changed, so I am hoping that Brad is right and the Tylan I started them on will take care of it, but I will know more Monday.
SweePea is feeling down and we haven't figured out with what yet. The lab reports are due back on Monday 10-19-15. Fecal exam shows no worms, cocci, or blackhead. I will update when we know what caused this, for now notice how the poo is tar black and a yellow in the urine.
Think of you and your precious SweePea.

The color of the cecal poop is a little too dark I think, and the second picture has what looks like intestinal lining, which I have never seen in peafowl, have only seen that in chickens.

This is what I'm seeing:

Some people say intestinal lining is normal, but I have my doubts.


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