Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

This poo came from one of my yearlings, not sure if he is sick maybe i'm just over thinking.

Second poo from someone yearling too, his bird is obviously sick, any ideas?
Really could use some help. My BR girl has been lethargic the past few days with a bit of blood in her poopie so I started her on some Corid. Today is day # 2. She seems to have improved some and is eating and drinking a bit more.I have been keeping an eye on her closely for any

poop changes and just now this plopped out! What is it? It looks like tissue and is kinda squishy and rubbery! Please help!!!!
I tried to find/search on this but could find anything, so here's my question.
We have 4 chicks about 6weeks old now in a cage off the ground outside right now with 2 guineas both about 7 weeks old.

All appear to be doing great and eating well. The cage has one end with several elevated perches for them to roost at night on.
So in the morning there's lots of dropping right under the perches.
All the poop under there looks fine and in line with the good poop pictures in this thread.

I was out watching and talking to them and one of the pea chicks pooped, through the wire bottom, what looked like brown runny poop.
I could not collect any of it to see, but I did see that some of the wire was now coated in the dark brown runny poop.
Does this mean anything?

I observed this bird the rest of the day and saw no outward differences in energy or feeding. it was a hot day so all of the pea chicks had their wings downward a little.

This is one of the chicks that so far I'm leaning toward being a hen with the lack of wing banding as yet, and the feathers coming up from her head are a little different from the 2 with banding on the wings already.

I will continue to watch this one closely for any other signs that crop up. I have safeguard and corrid on hand if needed.

They have a water feeder that has plenty of water in it for them at anytime.
I saw a little of the panting with mouths open yesterday in the afternoon temp about 90. They do have some shade and plenty of air movement(if there is any).

I picked them all up today to put some new leg bands on and every one of them pooped sometime during the 3minute procedure, and most of it was runny.
Over night though the poop looked fine on the ground.
we had another hot day yesterday, the bird with the poop issue looks 100%, unfortunately one of the others has taken a turn for the worse. He's separated from the rest of the birds and has his head laid back on his body more and standing around when I put food in for them.

I'm going to take the chick out and put him in a cooler area for today and dose it with safeguard and corid.

i'll get a better idea of it's poop this way too.


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